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Our Story

The seeds of The Goodness Web were planted at Harvard Business School's The Reflective Leader, a multiday program wherein professors encourage returning alumni to reflect on their personal and professional successes, failures, and lessons learned. Attendees, including co-founders Jan Swartz & Mark Verdi, are challenged to flip over their proverbial resumes, and consider deeply the causes that most break their hearts — and run toward them. 


After lifetimes of living firsthand the hardships and heartache of navigating complex systems of care for those experiencing serious mental illness, and inspired from reflection into action, the Swartz & Verdi families officially founded The Goodness Web as a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization in March of 2019.

The Goodness Web aims to activate networks of great leaders with big hearts, who are impatient for change, and who are willing to make bold bets on the promising solutions that we know exist in the world of mental healthcare. 


The time is now to tackle the global mental health crisis and to do good, better — more effectively, more accessibly, and more inclusively — together.

“Faced with what seems like an impossible task, a group of folks will do well to remember the African proverb: When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.”


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